The Local Electricity Bill Is Making Headlines

Posted on 23 March 2021

Power for People have announced the great news that the Local Electricity Bill recently reached 250 supportive MPs. This means that over half of all backbench MPs are now on board and also, the Green Party and the Liberal Democrats have officially backed the Bill.

This particularly strong progress led to the campaign being heralded by The Telegraph in this article:

Streets could become their own energy companies by sharing solar panels, under plans being looked at by MPs

Power for People are very encouraged by this and feel we must make the most of it to build more MP support.

If possible will you please share this Telegraph article with your MP and ask them to ‘Please write to the Energy Minister, Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, and ask that the government support the Bill’?

Support the campaign and Write To Your MP

If you need some inspiration before you write then the talented creator Bruna Martini made this brilliant animation for the campaign which captures the power of collective action and MP lobbying.

For more information see:

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