Breathing Spaces Rain Garden Event – 20th April

Posted on 02 April 2024

What difference can one household make to reducing flood risk?
Find out what a rain garden is, how they reduce surface water run-off to the drains during heavy rainfall, and learn how to make one for the smallest of spaces, cheaply and simply.

Breathing Spaces will talk you through, step-by-step with photos and a video, how to divert your downpipe to a water butt and then to a storm water planter and/or other water-retaining features.

Learn the ratio of the planter box to the size of roof, what soil mix to use, which plants are appropriate and beautiful. There are many different ways of designing a rain garden that suits your home. And even if you need to park a car in it, you can still have drainage that doesn’t add to surface water run-off to our overloaded drains.

Rain Gardens: Reducing Flood Risk One House at a Time
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 14:00 – 15:30
CREW Centre, 8/9 South Street Worthing BN11 3AL

For more info see: