Persimmon own most of the land that forms our green lungs between Goring and Ferring and they would dearly love to build on all that land. They have appealed against our Council’s decision to leave the Chatsmore Farm area as open space and the Inquiry starts on 6th Feb: if anyone wishes to attend.
We have just heard that a local developer who has bought a parcel of land adjacent to the Persimmon land in Goring Gap (south of the land that is already under threat and right next to the coast) has applied for a licence to sell alcohol on that land, building a new bar there (which he has not yet applied for permission to construct), as a pre-cursor to building houses on it. Is this a Trojan horse situation to set a precedent for developing that land?
If you wish to comment on the licence application you can do so here (by 28th Feb)
Any objections have to be quite specific, i.e. that to grant a licence would undermine:
– Crime & Disorder
– Public Safety
– Prevention of Public Nuisance
– Protection of Children from Harm
There is a lot of background information on this issue but it appears that this is the first step towards covering our green lungs in concrete and building on a flood plain, if no-one objects to this. We will keep you updated as things progress. If you want to help, you might like to attend the community protest that has been organised for this Saturday 3rd Feb on the Chatsmore Farm site at the junction of The Strand/Goring Street. Please gather at 11:50am, for a photo at 12 noon. Google Maps –