Breathing Spaces – Bread for all and Roses Too

Our next Garden Club session at CREW is Wed August 9th from 7-9pm and this month we’re going to be sharing tips about seed-saving, doing some harvest-swapping and making some simple bee-logs for solitary bees.

Bring along any fruit, veg, herbs you’ve grown and want to swap. Book a place through Eventbrite:

We are not doing a session in September but will be back on October 11.

We’ve had some really great sessions since we started, including learning to identify wildflowers, permaculture, increasing biodiversity of our gardens and our guts, how to eat 30 different plants a week even in the Hungry Gap, Awe & Wonder and Abundance. We’ve sown seeds, potted on, done interactive learning and made sauerkraut. We were so taken with the idea of a Gift Economy – building relationships and resilience through sharing rather than economies based on cash transactions – that we decided to gift our Breathing Spaces fresh flowers to Broadwater Community Support Hub, South Farm Road. They are available there on a ‘give-as-you-can basis’ and any donations are for the Hub. (We are also drying some of our flowers and they will be available to buy later in the year from HISBE.)

Our next volunteer morning at Dankton Barnyard, Sompting is Sunday Aug 6th 11am-1pm (last day of the Big Butterfly Watch), and then every first Sunday of the month. We are at Maybridge Keystone Centre every Thursday morning 10.30am-12.30pm. Get in touch if you would like to help us at either site: [email protected]

Summer Solstice Event – Tues 20th June – 6-9pm

Once again Coast Café have very obligingly agreed to co-host a Solstice event with TTW and local celebrant and healer, Amanda Waring. Details are as follows:

Please arrive any time from 6pm. We will be on the beach in front of Coast ( and will get a fire going on the beach (in a fire pit) for people to sing around, warm themselves and generally enjoy. Please bring some wood for the fire if you can.

At 7pm we will have a ceremony on the beach, led by Amanda ( Please bring a flower or two to blow your blessings and prayers/wishes into. These will be placed in a flower heart on the beach (it’s low tide at 7.30pm). Amanda will be leading a sound bath in the cafe and peace songs around the fire, and we also hope to have some surprise guests, to be confirmed and weather dependent.

Coast will be providing refreshments for sale – drinks as well as light snacks (baguettes, sausage rolls etc) so do please support their efforts.

This event will go ahead, whatever the weather, as we can gather in the café if it’s wet, but we hope for a fine, clear night to make the most of this lovely community event. All welcome.

TTW Community Event Exploring Air Pollution

This event will be held at CREW 8/9 South St Worthing BN11 3AL
Tues 9th May at 2pm Admission free

Air pollution is damaging our environment and our health. Between 28,000 and 36,000 early deaths are attributable to air pollution each year in the UK. Road transport is responsible for 80% of roadside NO2 pollution where legal limits are being broken. Urgent and increased action by governments is necessary to reduce air pollution to safer levels. In the transport sector, governments must be set ambitious modal shift targets underpinned by significant leadership and investment. Governments must do more to help people leave their cars at home for everyday journeys and make more sustainable trips (by foot, cycle or on public transport).

For more details and to reserve your space, visit:

Breathing Spaces at CREW – 12th April

Our next Bread & Roses evening at CREW, 8/9 South St, Worthing BN11 3AL on April 12th, 7-9pm is going to be about Permaculture. We’ll have at least one guest, Pauline from TTW, and we’ll try to introduce you to this fascinating subject (in 2 hours!).

Permaculture is about designing resilience, so it’s not just about gardens and growing, and really it will change the way you think about everything! We’ll have our usual mindful beginning and a look at pattern in nature, there’ll be local examples and interaction, and even a cuppa.

Book a place via CREW’s Eventbrite booking system:

Exploring The Sustainable Worthing Map Event

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint – Exploring The Sustainable Worthing Map – Sat 1st April, 1pm-3.30pm at CREW

If you’d like to find out how you can easily reduce your carbon footprint and support the environment, this workshop can point you in the right direction. TTW have created an online map to enable the community to find out what is going on locally and where, regarding living more sustainably. You can even create your own free map if you wish.

Demo given but you might like to bring your laptop or tablet to access the map on your own device.

Free workshop, light refreshments provided. Booking essential please.

To be held at CREW, Climate Resilience Centre Worthing, 8/9 South St, Worthing BN11 3AL on Saturday 1st April from 1pm-3.30pm (which includes a short break for refreshments).

To book a place please go to:

Seed Swap Event Sunday 5th March

TTW will have a couple of stalls for Seed and Plant Swapping (you can also buy them) at the Sustainable Market on Sat 5th March in the usual place – Freedom Works Covered Car Park, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ (opposite the Assembly Hall) from 9.30am – 1.30pm. Do bring your plants and seeds to swap if you have any. There will be the usual traders as well as some local community stalls.

Sustainability Map of Worthing Online Event

Having done a soft launch of our Sustainable Worthing Map for New Year, we are now contacting all the organisations involved to check entries and to invite them to join us for our next free mapping event (kindly organised by SECA) on Thurs 9th Feb at 6.30pm, details of which can be found here:

You are all most welcome to sign up for this if you’d like to find out more about the map, how to use it and how to create your own map. As it’s an online (Zoom) event, we have more flexibility with numbers so do join us if you wish.

Seed Swap Event 2023 Update

A few people have asked us when our Seed Swap event is going to be. Due to reducing capacity, both in terms of time, energy and money, we have decided to just do it as part of the regular Sustainable Market and have a couple of stalls for our seeds and plants to swap or buy.

So please do package up any seeds you may have saved, clearly marking them with what they are, and when they were saved and tuck them safely away ready for swapping at this event, which will be on Sunday 5th March from 9.30am – 1.30pm. More details nearer the time.

Winter Solstice Celebration – 21st Dec

Amanda Waring has agreed to lead a Solstice celebration at Coast Cafe on Weds. 21st December and we will be there from 5.30-8pm if any of you would like to join us during that time.

If you’d like to come, there will be a fire pit so please bring some wood to put on the fire if you can.

The ceremony will be at 6.30pm and last around 20 minutes. Coast will be open for people to purchase hot soup and a roll as well as drinks and light snacks from 5.30pm, and they have agreed to extend opening hours until 9pm if anyone wants to stick around for a while after the fire. We are hoping we might have a couple of surprises as well, but still trying to organise that.

We’ll post the event on the home page of our website and also on our Facebook group if you want to check anything on the day or just before. If the weather is really bad, it will still go ahead as we can be inside the cafe but may have to play how we do the ceremony a bit by ear if it’s raining hard.

Sustainable Christmas Market – Sun 4th Dec

The next Sustainable Market will be on Sunday 4th December from 9.30am-1.30pm at Freedom Works car park – opposite the Assembly Hall, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ.

The last one had to be cancelled due to high winds and heavy rain so we hope this one will be able to go ahead, as we have lots of plants available and various bric a brac items, as well as Twitten Maps.