CANCELLED – Sustainability Market – Feb 13th

Apologies, but due to bad whether forecast for tomorrow – Sunday 13th February – the Sustainability Market has been called off for this month. We hope to see you in March!

Come and say hello to TTW at the great monthly Worthing Sustainability Market as it returns for the new year on Sunday 13th February, 9.30am-2pm at Freedom Works car park – opposite the Assembly Halls, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ

As usual, we will be selling books and plants for donations, sharing info on all our projects and hopefully encouraging you to get involved too! We will also have refills available – full list here

We hope to see you there!

Plastic Free Worthing Valentines Beach Clean

Join Plastic Free Worthing for their Valentine’s beach clean this month on Sunday 13th February, drop in anytime between 10am – 12pm.

Meet opposite Level 1, who kindly sponsored their new logoed tabards and now store their gear for them too! As always the Plastic Free Worthing beach clean is also supported by the brilliant Adur and Worthing Council Rangers who sort and collect the litter, so look for their van!

The PFW beach cleans will take place on every second Sunday of the month now. Please bring your own gloves and pickers if you have them.
For more details, including locations, please see:

Seed Swap, Sow and Grow Fair 2022

We are very pleased to be able to announce that our Seed Swap, Sow and Grow event will return this year, on Saturday 19th March – 10am-1pm at Freedom Works covered car park, Stoke Abbott Rd, Worthing BN11 1HJ (opposite the Assembly Hall).

Further details of who will be joining us to come but please keep the date/time free to support this lovely family event!

For more info about our Seed Swap event see our website here:

Plastic Free Worthing January Beach Clean

In 2022, Plastic Free Worthing plan to continue their monthly beach cleans and re-start their regular open meetings to re-gather the momentum felt before the pandemic. PFW still believe in reducing the use of single-use plastic and there is still so much more to do!

You can join them on for their first Beach Clean of the year on Sunday 16th January, 10am – 12pm. Details to be announced. Please see:

Retrofit Talk & Q&A with Local Architect & Panel

Join us on Tuesday 25th January 2022 for an inspirational, practical and encouraging retrofit talk and Q&A session with local architect, Sarah Kemp, as part of our postponed Eco Open Houses event.

This event held in The QEII Room, Shoreham Centre, between 6pm-8pm, will be looking at a whole-house, phased approach to reducing your home’s carbon emissions. Based in Shoreham-by-Sea, Sarah Kemp set up Eskay Architects in 2004 and works with homeowners and developers on extensions, renovations and conversions, specialising in creating comfortable and energy efficient homes (which can also save money on fuel bills).

The panel includes 3 Eco Open Houses householders (who have retrofitted their homes, one of whom is also a business owner), a local builder, an energy adviser who also has experience in draughtproofing, a solar expert and hopefully a Passivhaus architect (latter to be confirmed).

To register for your free place, please go to Eventbrite here

BIFFA Site Visit As Part of Eco Open Houses

We are so pleased that we have now been able to reschedule the site tour of the Mechanical Biological Treatment Plant at Warnham as part of our Eco Open Houses event.

The tour offers you the chance to learn what really happens to all that black bag rubbish! West Sussex have some of the most state-of-the-art waste & recycling plants and processes in the UK, which help to dramatically reduce the volume of waste going to landfill in our county. Some of us took this tour a few years ago and found it really interesting and informative!

The tour will take place on Monday 21st February 2022 at 10am-12pm.

Places are very limited, so if you would like to register for your FREE place, please do so asap via

Winter Solstice Celebration – 21st Dec

On Tuesday 21st December, on the beach in front of Coast Café from 5.30pm-7.30pm we will be having a Winter Solstice Celebration!

Come and join us round the fire, bring acoustic instruments, wood for the fire and celebrate the turn of the year and the returning of the light with us. Coast Café will be open for warming drinks, hot soup and bread – and cake of course!

A new Worthing Morris side, Worthing Larks** will be dancing for about 20 minutes from around 6.30pm, audience participation included too!

This event is always very weather dependent and the Morris can’t dance if it’s wet, so please bear that in mind. Coast will be open, whatever it’s like and we will be there and hopefully have a fire (we’ve done fires when it’s been raining hard in the past so that shouldn’t stop us!) but we may not do anything on the beach if it’s raining really hard. Naturally, this event is subject to current Covid guidelines (as are all our events).

**Worthing Larks – “Worthing’s very own Morris Side and one of the newest on the South coast, following our break from another local Side in 2020. A mixed morris team for members over the age of 13, enthusiastically performing a selection of Cotswold, Border and our very own Broadwater dances to traditional folk instruments.”

Plastic Free Worthing December Beach Clean

Take part in Plastic Free Worthing’s December beach clean on Sunday 12th December, 10am – 12pm at Steyne Gardens. Dress in any Christmas themed adornment please!.

Supported by our A&W Council Rangers who will sort and collect any waste we gather and our Local Geocache Group will be joining us. Thanks also to the support from Level 1 for joining us with our new logged Hi Viz jackets so you can’t miss us. See you there!

TTW Repair Café – Book Now For January

We normally hold our repair cafes on the last Saturday of each month. This month it falls on Christmas Day so we won’t be open this month and our volunteers will be having a meal together instead and a well deserved break. We shall return next year on Saturday 29th January 10am-4pm at the Quaker/Friends Meeting House and on the last Saturday of every month after that.

As usual our amazing team of volunteers will be on hand to share their skills and help you to repair your clothes, toys, bicycles, laptops, small household electrical/electronic items, small items of furniture and knife/scissor sharpening. And don’t forget that we also have lots of refills available in return for suggested donations. Such as household cleaning products, shampoo, conditioner, face and body washes, hand lotion and more! Full list here:

So keep the date in your diary and reserve your slot now via:

Any questions, or if you would like to join our team of repairers, please do email us at:
[email protected]

Worthing’s Sustainability Market – Nov 21st

Come and say hello to TTW at what will be the second Worthing Sustainability Market.

We really enjoyed last month’s event. The atmosphere was friendly and buzzing and it was inspiring to see so many local producers, makers and community groups together and displaying their great work. It’s all under cover too so, whatever the weather, TTW will be there.

We will be selling books and plants for donations, sharing info on all our projects and hopefully encouraging you to get involved too!

The market will take place on Sunday 21st November at 9.30am-2pm in Freedom Works car park, opposite the Assembly Halls, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ.

We hope to see you there.