Transition Greenspaces – June Update

The Triangle, Tarring

We’ve had a really good crop of strawberries and everything else is growing like crazy, including the hedge, grass and weeds – all of which needs a lot of taking care of so if anyone wants to come and help, do email us. Big thanks to Dom and Alan for all your hard work in keeping things going.

We have some new logs to sit on when people just need to take a breather, courtesy of Brooklands massive log pile. Alan and Pauline went to collect a load of scrap wood and logs recently that we will make very good use of at The Triangle and at May Close.

May Close Community Allotment, Maybridge

Thanks to the recent heavy rain, just needing to water the polytunnel has been really helpful. Big thanks to those who have braved the rain in order to keep things going – we could not do any of this without our dedicated volunteers so a shout out to Tracey, Kayley, Jo, Nicky, Sarah, David and Alan.

Welcome to our new volunteer Roberta, who has quickly settled into the group. It’s been incredibly helpful having another pair of hands as not everyone can come every week so, again, if anyone wants to come and help, do email us as there’s always masses of weeding to do at this time of year! It’s a lovely tranquil spot and the plus side is that you hopefully go home with some fruit or veg that has been grown organically.

The foxes have created a new game – it’s called “drink the beer from the slug traps” – we’ve not seen them staggering about afterwards but hopefully it’s not enough to make them drunk! We didn’t realise they were partial to beer but maybe it’s more about the dead slugs in it – apologies to those who are vegan but things were getting out of hand – all our new plants were being demolished instantly!

We have a huge number of tadpoles and the resident frogs usually pop up out of the pond to say hello when we are there, it’s so lovely for us all to receive a little welcome every time.

Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden Now Open

Good news! Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden is re-opening to visitors from Friday 2nd July. Our opening times will be:
Wednesdays 11am – 12 noon
Fridays 11am – 12 noon
Alternate Saturdays – 17th July, 31st July, 14th August, 28th August & 25th September

We do have a few Covid related rules, to help keep everyone safe.
A one – way route round the garden
Signing-in at the gate
Social distancing and request to stay in your group
Maximum of 15 visitors at any one time (in addition to our volunteers).
Specific events are ‘on hold’ until we see how things go forward.
Our volunteers have been busy over the past 15 months maintaining the garden – volunteer numbers at any session subject to Covid rules.

The meadow and raised beds are blooming with wild flowers, the pond is looking good, and our hedgerows are flourishing. We had two bee swarms from ‘stranger’ bees, which we have rehomed. Unfortunately, our bees lost their Queen during her mating flight, and we now have a new Queen who has some catching up to do. But we have plenty of butterflies out and about when the sun shines!

So why not come along and check us out – we’d love to see you – just not all at once!

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01903 530780

Transition Greenspaces – May Update

We have a family of foxes at May Close and the cubs, whilst very cute, have completely trashed our wild flower bed, but other than that everything’s growing like fury!

We’ve had an infestation of greenfly and also slugs so we lost some of our precious vegetables, but thankfully some have survived despite various forms of attack. With all the rain came a profusion of spinach and chard on both community allotments. After our volunteers took what they could use we donated the rest to the food bank scheme at Maybridge Community Church, just down the road from our larger allotment. We’ve linked up with the local network for surplus food distribution so that any time we have a glut of anything we can ensure that this food goes where it is most needed. We are looking forward to a time when this is formalised in a new local food partnership. Discussions about this have been ongoing for some time so we hope it will happen in the near future. We will keep you posted….

If anyone would like to come and help at May Close or The Triangle, do let us know. We have a small team who help water and weed, as needed, but more volunteers would be welcomed to help spread the load. It’s sociable, good fun and you usually end up with some free food!

Do read Kayley’s wonderfully inspiring and heartfelt blog about the benefits of volunteering:

For any queries re greenspaces projects, please email [email protected]

Seed Swap In A Box!

It was such a shame that we were unable to hold our Seed Swap & Spring Fair this year as we always greatly look forward to it and to seeing you all.

In order to ensure that the seeds we have all collected over the last couple of years are not left unused, we shall be making up seed packets and making them available for you to rummage through and choose a selection, in return for a small donation!

We have a variety of both vegetable (salad leaves, heritage beans, brassicas, tomatoes etc) and flower (perennials, annuals, wildflowers etc) seeds available and these will be placed in a box by the doorstep at the left of Henry House, 189 Heene Road, Worthing, BN11 4NN.

Many thanks to Karen Simporis who has kindly offered her doorstep as a collection point!

The seed box shall be there from Friday 2nd April until the end of the month, unless we run out sooner of course. I shall be regularly topping up when needed.

If making a donation please can you place this in an envelope marked “seeds” and put it through Karen’s door (please don’t leave it in the seed box). If you are not sure how much to donate, we would suggest 50p-£1 per packet, but please feel free to give what you wish! It will all help to boost TTW’s ever depleting funds for our general running costs, which our annual Seed Swap event normally helps to cover every year. Alternatively, you may wish to donate via our website here:

Transition Greenspaces – February Update

Not much happening over the past month at the Triangle, apart from a bit of tree pruning and sorting out the pond.

May Close
Our wonderful volunteers have (in socially distanced pairs or alone) been repairing beds and plant cages and have added some plants to the pond. They’ve also added more woodchip to the pathways, kept things weeded and watered, and done some work on the forest garden beds. The plants in the polytunnel are coming along nicely now, as the bitterly cold weather has subsided, and our first salad crops of the year are almost ready to harvest.

We hope, once we are out of lockdown, that we can start having small, socially distanced groups there again. In the meantime if anyone fancies raising some veg plants from seed at home, we’d be glad of them once it warms up a bit.

Transition Greenspaces – January Update

Things have slowed down considerably in our community gardens during January, principally due to lockdown and not being quite sure what was permitted, so we decided to go with 1:1’s working to all the usual guidelines.

Also, the weather has somewhat defeated us a lot of the time and there wasn’t much to do anyway, so our volunteers have had a well deserved break. The plants in the polytunnel at May Close are gently growing, we’ve had a good tidy up, done some more planting and some tree pruning.

Transition Greenspaces – December Update

Our wonderful greenspaces crew have been beavering away in socially distanced pairs at May Close and The Triangle over the past four weeks.

The polytunnel is pretty much there now with newly planted broad beans and garlic growing nicely. The water catchment systems are working well, a huge amount of manure has been gathered and used, with some still in hand and the pond is settling down. The bath has been turned into a raised bed and a truck load of woodchip (courtesy of has been bagged and started to be used where needed. All the garden furniture has been refurbished and we have a new toilet area adjacent to the shed as well as a huge bug hotel!

Big thanks to Alan Cory, Dom Rhoden, Tracey McLaren, Nicky Smith, David Stanton and Jo Bayly – none of it would have happened without an awful lot of your time and effort, not always in the best of conditions either – you are all such stars! And much gratitude to the National Lottery Community Fund for helping us get off to a flying start.

Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden Update

Over the last six months, the Wildlife Garden has been thriving, blissfully unaware of the pandemic. Although closed to general visitors, the garden has been a sanctuary for our volunteers, and has benefited from their high level of TLC.

Between April and July, volunteers visited in twos for three sessions a week. Since August we have expanded to four volunteers each session, again covering three sessions a week. By appointment we will show visitors around during a session, providing the total number at the garden stays at six or less.

Other Covid safety measures are also in place, including everyone using their own gloves, handwashing and sanitising, mask wearing if people have to get close to each other, and disinfecting tools and furniture at the end of the session. Only one person is allowed in the office hut and tool store at any one time – which brings some challenges with heavy rain showers.

Over the spring and summer the garden suffered with the drought and the pond got very low, despite our work last year to double water storage capacity. Very helpful neighbours did provide us with some water. Drought tolerant plants, like wild carrot, teasel, vipers bugloss and oxeye daisies thrived, but the apple trees haven’t done well this year.

Butterflies were abundant – brimstone, small skipper, peacock (with nettles covered in caterpillars), speckled wood, gatekeeper, and a marbled white. And of course the cinnabar moths, with their stripy caterpillars stripping the ragwort bare.

Just before lockdown we had thankfully just completed the installation of our composting toilet, and in the last month have put in the soakaway. Clearing the area for the toilet has enabled us to plant a new hedgerow of dogwood, alder and common buckthorn, under-planted with red campion and primroses.

For the autumn and winter there is plenty to keep us all busy. We are remodelling the small pond to make it more child friendly, creating bare earth areas in the meadow and seeding for next year, clearing paths, weeding borders, and tackling invasive brambles and bindweed. Let us hope that by next Spring we will be able to welcome the public back to enjoy the garden as we can.

May Close Community Allotment

We’ve been focusing a lot of effort trying to get the polytunnel installed before the worst of the weather arrived, as well as the pond (which still needs more work).

It’s great to now have somewhere warm and dry to work on inclement days. We were most fortunate to be given a lot of manure as well as some garden furniture (which our volunteers have been renovating), two compost bins, a water butt and some pallets – all of which have been put to very good use.  Big thanks to everyone for their generosity in terms of materials and of course our regular volunteers for their time, energy and enthusiasm – none of it would happen without your support.

The water catchment system off the polytunnel definitely works – the 1000 litre water container ended up full after only one week! Looking forward to seeing how everything grows in the tunnel over the winter now and what creatures we end up in the pond.