
Upcoming Events

TTW Repair Café - Sat 28th September 2024- 10am-4pm - Friends/Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Rd, Worthing, BN11 5DR
Green Dreams Festival  - Sun 29th September - 10.30am - 4pm - Field Place, just off The Boulevard, Worthing BN13 1NP
TTW Repair Café - Sat 26th October 2024- 10am-4pm - Friends/Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Rd, Worthing, BN11 5DR
TTW Repair Café - Sat 30th November 2024- 10am-4pm - Friends/Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Rd, Worthing, BN11 5DR

Please see below for details of each event and keep an eye on this page for updates or subscribe to our monthly newsletter for up-to-date information.


Weekly Meetings

We are gradually trying to get our greenspaces groups back to some semblance of normality and these are running regularly now - please email us for session days/times (which will also be in our monthly newsletter). We always welcome new volunteers. Please contact us to find out how to get involved.
Greenspaces Groups:
Our energy advice service is on hold for now. We will post updates as and when we have them.
Our energy advice service is on hold for now. We will post updates as and when we have them.

Monthly Meetings

The Transport Group are meeting online at present.

See the Transport Group's Facebook page for up-to-date information:


Usually meet monthly to organise litter picks along the seashore and in green spaces.

For more information please see:


Usually runs on the last Saturday of each month (apart from Dec), from 10am to 4pm, at the Friends/Quaker Meeting House, 34 Mill Rd, Worthing, BN11 5DR

For more info and to book a repair slot see our Repair Café pages

Breathing Spaces are at Dankton Barnyard, Dankton Lane, Sompting on the first Sunday of every month, 11am-1pm

Upcoming dates: From Sunday 7th January 2024

Get involved and help to ensure that biodiversity remains high in this beautiful wildflower site. For more information and to volunteer email [email protected] or see the Facebook page:

Breathing Spaces monthly web 2
Ana Bohane Photography
Ana Bohane Photography

Annual & Bi-Annual Events

Held bi-annually over a number of weeks.

We have uploaded some video tours of the Eco Homes which were due to take part in our 2020 event. These can now be viewed via our YouTube channel, so please do take a look.

We have also uploaded a recording of our Retrofit event held at the Shoreham Centre in January 2022.

Please see the Eco Open Houses brochure for further information on the planned 2020 event.

Held annually, usually in February or March.

Date will be announced on our website, Facebook page and in our monthly newsletter.

This is on the 3rd Saturday of September to tie in with the Marine Conservation Society's annual survey.

The event is usually based on Beach House Green, Worthing, working on the section of the beach east of the Pier.

This event is on hold for now. We will post updates as and when we have them.

Held annually in September at Field Place Manor House and Barns, Worthing.

We do hope you can come along to this delightful, fun filled family event – showcasing local green groups, performers, artists, makers and producers. There will be street food and drink available onsite and a very wide range of things to do for all ages.  We hope to see you there on Sunday 29th Sept 2024.

Eco Open Houses

Eco Open Houses provides inspiration and practical advice on how to create healthier, warmer, more eco-friendly homes and workplaces.  This bi-annual local trail showcases inspirational ideas, best practice and ways for homeowners, tenants and businesses to save money whilst helping the environment. It’s a great resource for anyone in the building industry, especially anyone retrofitting property.

The branding Eco Open Houses belongs to Low Carbon Trust, a Brighton based company, who have very kindly allowed us to use it for our five events in Worthing.

They have been running events in Brighton and Hove for many years and they helped us fund and organise our first major Eco Open Houses event in 2014, in conjunction with Steyning. Prior to that we had attempted a couple of little mini EOH events with just three homes participating.

From the success of the 2014 event, we then went on to organise EOH events on our own for Worthing and part of Adur in 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2020. Sadly, although we had spent eight months organising the 2020 event, we were unable to present it in the form in the brochure, due to Coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions.

However, we have made videos of some of the properties you would have been able to visit and you can find them on our YouTube Channel. It might be helpful to watch the videos in conjunction with the case studies (available in our Resources section) and even take a look at the event brochure to give you an overview of how we intended the event to work. We hope you will find all of this interesting and inspiring.

Please also take a look at the "Documents/Eco Open Houses" section on our Resources page for further case studies/info sheets and continue to check out our YouTube channel for videos of properties and talks, which will be updated regularly as new ones come in. They are all great examples of what can be done, whatever your budget, to save on water and energy bills, contribute to CO2 reduction, support local eco systems and help mitigate surface water flooding.

We were also able to reschedule our Retrofit Talk and Q&A with Local Architect Sarah Kemp and Panel event at the Shoreham Centre and this was held in January 2022. You can watch the recording of the event here.

Together we can make a big difference.

Other organisations have created their own versions of Eco Open Houses events and the links are here:

Warmer Sussex Webinars

Online Eco Open Houses Talks | Transition Town Lewes

Ana Bohane Photography
Ana Bohane Photography

Seed Swap, Sow & Grow Spring Fair

The annual Seed Swap, Sow and Grow event grew out of the Transition Town Worthing Food Group and has been run since 2010.

Dr Barbara Pilley Shaw, one of the founder members of Transition Town Worthing, worked tirelessly to create a meticulous Seed Swap model for us to work from.

Claire Hunt and Lisa Leach from Breathing Spaces have organised the seed saving side of things for this event, ever since it began in 2010, as well as supporting the event organisation.

Each year, since it started out at Bishop’s Palace in Tarring, it grew in size and popularity to become a key event in the calendar for many local gardeners.

Like all things, over the years, things change and we have had to scale things down considerably for many reasons. Recent Seed Swap events have been held as part of the Worthing Sustainable Market and in 2024 we held the event at the Climate Resilience Centre Worthing (CREW). Check out our website or Facebook page each year to see where it's going to be held, or sign up for our newsletter.


Annual Beach Clean & Litter Survey

The conservation of the marine environment, with the ecosystem services it provides, is essential for climate regulation and food supply.

Reducing carbon emissions from fossil fuels, and pollution-busting the mountains of plastic waste from their derivatives, is ever more pressing.

As well as the monthly beach cleans run by Plastic Free Worthing, Transition Town Worthing also works alongside other groups such as Surfers against Sewage, Worthing Climate Action Network, Worthing Borough Council, Worthing Heritage Alliance and Sussex Wildlife Trust as part of The Annual UK Beach Litter Survey organised by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS).

The MCS is hugely proactive in protecting our seas and for over 25 years they have run the UK’s biggest beach clean-up around the autumn equinox every September, providing invaluable data to inform government and the public on the state of our polluted beaches, helping to drive productive conservation projects.

In Worthing the survey has become part of a Coastal Fair with natural history, geology, built and cultural heritage guided walks, stands promoting climate friendly eco-homes, Morris dancing, maritime drama or songs of the shores! TTW has supported Dr Barbara Pilley Shaw in organising the Coastal Fair and Beach Clean since 2010, collecting and preventing a great wealth and variety of litter from entering our precious seas and damaging the biodiversity of our coastlines. It’s been great fun creating art from the litter collected, led by local community artists such as Creative Waves.

Once the Beach Clean has been completed, the MCS litter survey findings are summarised in a display at the Worthing Library, featuring issues such as broken glass bottles, dog poo, cigarette stubs and smoking litter, or dangerous fishing tackle.

Green Dreams

Transition Town Worthing has been part of the organising team of this very popular local community festival, held at Field Place, Worthing, from when it began in 2016 until the Sept 2024 event.

Like Seed Swap, it provides an opportunity for many local community groups to showcase what they do – growing and producing food, crafts, entertainment – anything that supports local sustainability and community resilience.

The past couple of years has seen over 2,000 people coming along, whatever the weather! It’s a wonderful family event so please do come along and join us!