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TTW Repair Café – Book Now For January
We normally hold our repair cafes on the last Saturday of each month. This month it falls on Christmas Day so we won't be open this month and our volunteers will be having a meal together instead and a well deserved break. We shall return next year on Saturday 29th January 10am-4pm at the Quaker/Friends Meeting House and on the last Saturday of every month after that.
New Eco Open Houses Videos!
We are gradually re-creating aspects of our Eco Open Houses event that had to be cancelled in April of last year and we now have two new videos on our Eco Open Houses playlist!
Thank You Co-Op Members!
A huge thank you to all Co-op members who nominated us as their Local Community Cause.
On Friday 19th Nov, we were invited by the Plaza Parade store manager, Stuart Hunt and town crier, Bob Smytherman, a member pioneer for the Co-op to receive a donation of £6178!
Nominate TTW For £1000 Of Funding!
Please help us by nominating Transition Town Worthing to receive £1000 in funding from Ecclesiastical - the more nominations they receive the more likely we are to get the funding!
Worthing’s Sustainability Market – Nov 21st
Come and say hello to TTW at what will be the second Worthing Sustainability Market. Sunday 21st November at 9.30am-2pm in Freedom Works car park, opposite the Assembly Halls, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ.
TTW Repair Café – Book Now For November!
Book your slot now for our final Repair Café session of the year on Saturday 27th November 10am -1pm & 1.45 -4pm.