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Refills @ The Repair Café
Please remember that we have a load of refills available each month at the Repair Café.
Transition Greenspaces In October
It's been a very rewarding year, despite all the restrictions and our team is gradually growing. If you fancy getting involved, do email us.
Local Community Fund
Huge, huge thanks to all Co-op members who voted for our Cause. We raised in total £6178.58!!!
“What can I do?” Localisation Action Guide
The Localization Action Guide details 146 ways for individuals, communities and policymakers to make a real, hands-on difference in their local areas.
Eco Open Houses Video Tours Now Available
We are beginning to see some progress on trying to patch together our Eco Open Houses event that we had to cancel last year and one of our directors, Rolf Londal, has made videos of some of our wonderful eco homes. You can find them on our YouTube channel
Worthing’s Sustainability Market
Worthing's first of its kind, Sustainability Market will be held on Sunday 10th October, 9.30-2pm at the Freedom Works car park - opposite the Assembly Halls, Stoke Abbott Road, Worthing, BN11 1HJ