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2040 Film Night At Worthing Dome
Join TTW or Transition Town Shoreham to see the inspirational documentary film '2040' at the Dome Cinema in Worthing.
There are two screenings of the film; Monday 13th September at 8.30pm and Monday 20th September at 6pm.
Site Tour of Ford Recycling Plant
Join us for a site visit to Ford Recycling Plant on Monday 11th October 10am – 12pm. A great chance to see what happens to the waste that ends up in your bin!
Rampion Talk With Greening Steyning
Greening Steyning and the South East Climate Alliance (SECA) have organised an online event to give everyone the chance to hear the latest about plans to quadruple the output of the Rampion wind farm.
Join them via Zoom at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th September for a talk by Chris Tomlinson, Development & Stakeholder Manager for Rampion 2. Chris will be outlining the latest plans for the new phase of the Rampion project and taking questions from the audience.
Plastic Free Worthing September Events
Plastic Free Worthing return with their monthly Beach Clean on Sunday 12th September and host their very first Zero Waste Fair on Sunday 26th September!
Green Dreams Festival 2021
The GreenDreams community food and greenspace festival is an annual event in the calendar for Worthing and Adur, returning for its 5th year in 2021.
Join us on Saturday 19th September, 10.30am - 4pm at Field Place, Worthing.
Meet The Wild Bees With Breathing Spaces
Breathing Spaces is delighted to be celebrating National Bee Day on 21st August with the Bees and Seas team by leading a walk to Meet the Wild Bees.