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Celebrate National Bee Day with Bees & Seas
Come and celebrate National Bee Day on 21st August. The theme this year is building back better for bees: focusing on actions for restoring, supporting and enhancing the role of these pollinators. We are hosting a series of FREE family fun activities, shows, talks and stalls at Brooklands Park from Friday 20th August through to Sunday 22nd August.
Site Tour of Sompting Brooks with EPIC
Join us for a guided tour with Alistair from EPIC around the newly completed restoration of Sompting Brooks - Sat 11th Sept 2021
Wildflower Trail Art Competition
The Wildflower Trail are launching an Wildflower Trail Art Competition - Wildflowers and Pollinators, with submissions open from the 1st July 2021, with prizes and exhibitions being organised for springtime 2022.
Transition Greenspaces – June Update
Updates on our Greenspaces at The Triangle and May Close Community Allotment
Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden Now Open
Good news! Cortis Avenue Wildlife Garden is re-opening to visitors from Friday 2nd July.
Eco Open Houses Video Tours
We will gradually be putting videos of some of the venues that would have been open to the public up on our YouTube channel EOH playlist and hopefully one or two new ones that have emerged since, so do look out for them.