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Green Books With Rob Hopkins – 1st July
Co-founder of the Transition Movement, Rob Hopkins, will be talking to Paul Hannam about his latest book “From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want” in Greening Steyning's last Green Books event of the spring season.
The Future of Offshore Wind Power – 29th June
Hear all about the ambitious plans to build a new generation of offshore wind farms all around the UK at this months Green Drinks with speaker Will Apps, head of Energy Development at the Crown Estate.
Arnold Clark Community Fund to the rescue!
We have recently found out that we were successful in our funding bid to Arnold Clark Community Fund!
Transition Greenspaces – May Update
We have an abundance of spinach and chard so if anyone would like to come and pick some, maybe you could pop down when one of us is at the May Close allotment.
Moixa Smart Battery Worthing Campaign 2021
BHESCO & Moixa show you how we really can help to tackle climate change, one household at a time....
The Universal Basics with Transition Network
In case you missed the latest online discussion 'The Universal Basics' hosted by the Transition Network, you can now watch the recording via their YouTube channel!