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Green Tides – Wildflower Trail
The local forum and partnership for Friends groups and environmental volunteers, Green Tides (now also a CIC), is excited to launch the Wildflower Trail.
Transition Summit Catch-up!
We hope that those of you who took part in the Transition Networks What Next? Summit found it really inspiring. If you missed any of the sessions and would like to catch up you can do so via the Transition Bounce Forward YouTube playlist.
Green Books: Investing to save the planet
The next Green Books talk from Greening Steyning, on Thursday 1st April, is focusing on a really important topic - how we use our savings and investments to help the planet, rather than trashing it.
Wonder of Nature – Series of Talks & Walks
The wonderful and inspirational Nicola Peel has announced that she will be holding a series of online talks and a guided walk round the beautiful Pulborough Brooks in the coming months.
The Local Electricity Bill Is Making Headlines
Power for People have announced the great news that the Local Electricity Bill recently reached 250 supportive MPs. This means that over half of all backbench MPs are now on board and also, the Green Party and the Liberal Democrats have officially backed the Bill.
Help Our Kelp – Trawling Byelaw Signed!
Some excellent news from the Sussex Wildlife Trust's Help Our Kelp project - The Near Shore Trawling Byelaw has been announced!