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TTW Receives a Magic Little Grant!
We are extremely grateful to players of The People's Postcode Lottery as we received notification this month that we've been awarded a Magic Little Grant through the partnership between Localgiving and Postcode Society Trust!
Mapping Project and Climate Conference
Finally, we have the pleasure of co-presenting the Community Climate Conference at The Assembly Hall on Thursday 19th October from 3-7pm.
Plastic Free Worthing Beach Clean – 29th Oct
The next Plastic Free Worthing beach clean will be Sunday 29th October from 9am onwards, meeting outside the Coastal office by the lido.
Transition Network Skillshare Event on Mapping
TTW were invited to present our Map at an online skillshare on mapping on 13th September.
Plastic Free Worthing Beach Clean – 24th Sept
Plastic Free Worthing have reformed with a new team. The next beach clean will take place on the last Sunday of the month (i.e. 24th Sept).
Green Dreams Festival – Sept 17th
Finally, after many months of organising, it's our lovely Green Dreams Festival this month - Sunday 17th September from 10.30am - 4pm at Field Place, Worthing, BN13 1NP.